You’d call a dinner and conversation event a success if the parting words of many of the attendees echoed this theme: “We should be having more of these conversations.” By that measure, last fall’s KNOW FISH dinners were a big success. Attendees learned about the provenance of the fish they were eating, they heard from the fisherman who sustainably caught their fish that day and they had a great conversation about why it all matters and what they can do.
So we’re doing it again. This spring’s KNOW FISH dinners will be held at Franklin Oyster House in Portsmouth on May 9, and Tinos Greek Kitchen in Hampton on May 23. Both events will begin at 6 p.m.
This is your chance to learn why the domestic seafood picture is so skewed. Yes, many people know the oft-cited statistic that more than 90% of seafood eaten in the U.S. is imported. But the reasons why are a compelling motivator for finding out where, when and how your seafood was harvested.

New England Fishmongers Partner Amanda Parks getting it done.
At the KNOW FISH dinners, you’ll be able to ask Capt. Tim Rider of New England Fishmongers why he risks life and limb to haul up to 80 miles offshore in the 36-foot F/V Finlander to fish with rod and reel in up to 400 feet of water. You’ll be able to ask an oysterman like Tim Henry of Bay Point Oyster Company about what it takes to grow oysters and why that is so important. You’ll learn about how their passion for what they do drives them to overcome obstacles and stay focused even as management policies change around them.
And you’ll feast on spectacular meals prepared by Chefs Matt Louis and Matt Decker of Franklin Oyster House and Chef Mark Segal of Tinos, using incredibly fresh, undeniably sustainable seafood. The fish and oysters will be whatever the ocean yields that day.
You’ll learn about some of the key domestic and global market dynamics that affect seafood sustainability. That information will help you better understand why your choices matter at restaurants and seafood stores. We’ll provide you with some memorable tips on buying seafood that is local, abundant, compliant and that minimizes ecosystem and environmental harm.
And we’ll talk about ways you can carry these messages forward into the community, and perhaps effect a sea change in seafood buying habits.
After all, this kind of change happens one conversation at a time … from the ground/sea floor up.
Come join us for great food, conversation and fun!
Get your tickets by following this link to Eventbrite.